Limbo - PC Mini Games free download gratis
Genre: Puzzle
Publisher: PlayDead
Developer: PlayDead
Release Date: August 02, 2011
MSRP: $9.99
Exclusively on: PC
T for Teen: Animated Blood, Mild Violence
Game ini lucu, dan menjengkelkan. karena sampai saat ini saya belum bisa menamatkan, jadi pengen gua delete aja nih game.hahaha
Limbo is a black and white puzzle-platforming adventure that puts players in the role of a young boy traveling through a hostile world in an attempt to discover the fate of his sister.
Limbo challenges players with traversing dark forests, trap-filled underground complexes, and stormy rooftops brought to life with hand-drawn visuals. They must be quick, clever, and fearless if they want to survive their journey and unravel the mysteries at Limbo's sinister heart.
Mediafire Link
Sumber : IDWS, gambar IGN

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