Bastion - PC Games free download gratis
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developer: Supergiant Games
Release Date: August 16, 2011
MSRP: $14.99
Also on: X360
RP-T+ for Rating Pending, Targeting a Rating of Teen or Above
Kalau yang ini saya belum download dan mencobanya, soalnya saya tidak begitu sreeeggg dengan game genre begini. tapi sobat seilahkan download bagi penggila RPG, OK.
In this original action role-playing game set in a lush, imaginative world, players must create and fight for civilization's last refuge as a mysterious narrator marks their every move. The goal of Bastion is to construct a safe haven in the wake of the Calamity, a cataclysmic event that shattered the world into a series of floating islands. As players journey into the wild unknown in search of survivors and supplies, they will confront strange beasts, forge an array of customizable weapons, and gain new powers from specially-brewed spirits. The entire play experience of Bastion is dynamically narrated, gradually revealing a rich backstory as the narrator reacts to the player's actions in real time.
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