Avernum 6 - PC Games free download gratis
Genre: RPG
Publisher: Spiderweb Software
Developer: Spiderweb Software
Release Date: March 02, 2010
Also on: Mac
Bagi pecinta game RPG, meskipun game ini mempunyai grafik yang minim banget, bisa dibilang jelek lah. tapi bagi penggila RPG wajib download deh, betul..????
Avernum 6 is the final game in the epic, award-winning Avernum RPG series. The game is set in the world of Avernum, an enormous series of caves far below the surface of the world. Travel into the strange subterranean la nd of Avernum, full of dungeons, labyrinths, and constant warfare.
Avernum is a world underground. It is a nation of people living in an enormous warren of tunnels and caverns, far below the surface of the world. Once a prison colony for rebels and thugs, it is now a wild frontier, full of adventurous souls looking for wealth, fame, and magical power. And then the Blight came. Almost overnight, the mushrooms Avernum needed to feed itself withered and died. Then the denizens of the low tunnels, the savage, reptilian Slithzerikai, emerged. Sensing weakness, they struck, destroying much of a weakened Avernum and creating waves of hungry, desperate refugees. This final set of disasters threatens to destroy your homeland in a spasm of famine and warfare. Only you can help your people to get to safety before everything falls apart.
Explore a gigantic world, with a fascinating storyline, hundreds of quests, multitudes of side dungeons, and many hours of adventure. The game features completely redone graphics, clever enemies and dozens of wild scripted encounters. Learn over 50 spells and battle disciplines. Hunt for hundreds of magical items or craft your own powerful artifacts.
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