7th Legion - PC old games free download gratis
Kali ini Blogindo berbagi link download dari salah satu game klasik, yaitu 7th Legion. ini adalah game strategi. silahkan dicoba ya kawan, soalnya saya belum coba game ini.hehe
Deskripsi singkat :
Century insane spending of natural resources led to a complete depletion of the Earth's ecosystem. The Government of the united Earth organized evacuation of dying planet, but only a small proportion of "elite", leaving poor people to die. Over the centuries, "favorites" have decided to return to take the Earth under his control. But now he opposes the 7th Legion
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 98 / Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Pentium 100 MHz
Memory: 16 MB
Hard disk: 300 MB
Mediafire Link
Password : 7TH.M.JKG
Sumber gambar : Gamespot

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