During Ramadan, not only emotion and clarity hearts tested. You were physically tested with no snack or drink for 14 hours.Stamina needed. Stamina comes from diet and habits. But that's not enough. You are advised to study the organs that could potentially be a gateway of germs or bacteria.This was revealed in the discussion "Lifebuoy Health News". One guest speaker, Dr. T Bahdar Johan, SpPD outlines five organs of the body that often is the entrance of disease. There is a good start to clean up more seriously the organs and then transmit the gift of God is clean habits to children. Does not maintain the cleanliness of the part of faith?
Respiratory TractOrgan called the most open since the two nostrils is like a window, where the inhaled air circulation. Germs or bacteria often infiltrate through the respiratory tract. Why are we not sick when germs visit every day? Because we have the staying power and an automatic mechanism that can remove germs without ill first. "For example, coughing or sneezing. In the physical defense system, both of which are front-line defense against infection, "said Bahdar.
Alimentary tractGerms or bacteria enter the digestive tract by feeding activity. According Bahdar, there are several factors that cause these channels to the gate of the disease. First, hand hygiene. Even clean hands, contaminated food can make us sick. Or through the intermediary of animals such as flies and cockroaches.So that this does not happen, Bahdar give classical solution: wash your hands the right way. Namely, wash hands with clean running water, using soap and rub hands until frothy evenly in the palm of the hand, also rubbing between your fingers, one by one. "The other part that is often missed, back of hands. Rub back of hands and then wipe evenly between the nails one by one. Finally, rinse your hands with clean running water then dry with a clean towel or paper towels, "he explained.SkinCertain animals can penetrate the body through the skin. Worms for example, infiltrating through the nail and the skin or swallowed while eating. Another part that should be anticipated, the urinary tract. Germs or bacteria can enter through the urinary tract and trigger inflammation.Bahdar mention women more vulnerable to urinary tract. "In the female organs, fluids from bag urine out through one channel, namely the urethra. Short, straight shape with the width of the hole. Germs easily enter if the way (sorry) ceboknya reckless, hold pee or wash the vital organ with a lack of clean water, "he reminded Bahdar.Diseases that can arise include inflammation of the bladder and pyelonephritis (kidney infection). If this happens, the bacteria seemed to find the gate to contaminate the blood.EarEar, the organ is quite susceptible to germs. Because the infection of the eardrum can occur from two directions. From the outside through the dirt to enter. Actually, the ear can protect themselves from outside attacks because it has the tympanic membrane. This membrane can leak due to trauma caused by being hit or slapped by the person, or ear probe too deeply."If you dig too deep, could tear the eardrum. This gap for germs to infect the mastoid bone and then get to the meninges (lining of the brain). As a result, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that cover the central nervous system). In children, the leakage would occur from the inside due to bacterial infection. Cause infection and pus pus push the membrane so busted, "Bahdar added.ToothHoles in the teeth allows bacteria into the blood vessels beneath the array of teeth. Bahdar've found two cases of tooth germs enter through the hole and then ventured into some channel which empties into the heart. "It's called heart disease pericarditis. Very dangerous because it takes more antibiotic substances. People with this disease can be friends with antibiotics for up to three weeks, "tell Bahdar.
Respiratory TractOrgan called the most open since the two nostrils is like a window, where the inhaled air circulation. Germs or bacteria often infiltrate through the respiratory tract. Why are we not sick when germs visit every day? Because we have the staying power and an automatic mechanism that can remove germs without ill first. "For example, coughing or sneezing. In the physical defense system, both of which are front-line defense against infection, "said Bahdar.
Alimentary tractGerms or bacteria enter the digestive tract by feeding activity. According Bahdar, there are several factors that cause these channels to the gate of the disease. First, hand hygiene. Even clean hands, contaminated food can make us sick. Or through the intermediary of animals such as flies and cockroaches.So that this does not happen, Bahdar give classical solution: wash your hands the right way. Namely, wash hands with clean running water, using soap and rub hands until frothy evenly in the palm of the hand, also rubbing between your fingers, one by one. "The other part that is often missed, back of hands. Rub back of hands and then wipe evenly between the nails one by one. Finally, rinse your hands with clean running water then dry with a clean towel or paper towels, "he explained.SkinCertain animals can penetrate the body through the skin. Worms for example, infiltrating through the nail and the skin or swallowed while eating. Another part that should be anticipated, the urinary tract. Germs or bacteria can enter through the urinary tract and trigger inflammation.Bahdar mention women more vulnerable to urinary tract. "In the female organs, fluids from bag urine out through one channel, namely the urethra. Short, straight shape with the width of the hole. Germs easily enter if the way (sorry) ceboknya reckless, hold pee or wash the vital organ with a lack of clean water, "he reminded Bahdar.Diseases that can arise include inflammation of the bladder and pyelonephritis (kidney infection). If this happens, the bacteria seemed to find the gate to contaminate the blood.EarEar, the organ is quite susceptible to germs. Because the infection of the eardrum can occur from two directions. From the outside through the dirt to enter. Actually, the ear can protect themselves from outside attacks because it has the tympanic membrane. This membrane can leak due to trauma caused by being hit or slapped by the person, or ear probe too deeply."If you dig too deep, could tear the eardrum. This gap for germs to infect the mastoid bone and then get to the meninges (lining of the brain). As a result, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that cover the central nervous system). In children, the leakage would occur from the inside due to bacterial infection. Cause infection and pus pus push the membrane so busted, "Bahdar added.ToothHoles in the teeth allows bacteria into the blood vessels beneath the array of teeth. Bahdar've found two cases of tooth germs enter through the hole and then ventured into some channel which empties into the heart. "It's called heart disease pericarditis. Very dangerous because it takes more antibiotic substances. People with this disease can be friends with antibiotics for up to three weeks, "tell Bahdar.

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