Giants : Citizen Kabuto - PC Games free download gratis
Genre: Action
Publisher: Interplay
Developer: Planet Moon Studios
Online Play: 10 Versus
Release Date: December 07, 2000
MSRP: $29.99
Also on: Mac, PS2
M for Mature: Animated Blood, Animated Violence
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Take a journey to a distant world where three races are in a struggle to establish rule. Play as the Sea Reapers, the Meccaryn, or the Giant Kabuto, as you use your wits and reflexes to defeat the other two. Each race has its own distinct behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses. Playing as each of the three essentially triples the amount of gameplay. The graphics, backstories, and sheer mass of environment are unprecedented, and the tone of Giants: Citizen Kabuto is truly original in this innovative combination of, action, shooting and strategy gameplay. Do you have the power to rule the world? It's time to find out.
Features :
- Three playable races
- More than 30 levels
- Intense graphics
- A rich storyline
- Multiplayer action (LAN or Online)
Minimum Requirements
- Win95/98/2000/ME
- PII/K62 350Mhz
- 64MB RAM
- 875MB hard drive space
- 8MB D3D compatible video card
Recommended Requirements
- Pentium II 450 MHz
- 128 MB RAM
- 16 MB DirectX-compatible video card and 1.3 GB hard-disk space.
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