Band Of Bugs (portable) - PC Mini Games free download gratis
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: NinjaBee
Developer: NinjaBee
Online Play: 4 Versus
Local Play: 4 Versus
Release Date: December 03, 2007
Also on: X360
E for Everyone: Mild Fantasy Violence
A fast-paced tactical strategy game that offers gameplay deep enough to satisfy tactical genre fans and friendly enough to appeal to casual gamers. Creative gamers can even design their own levels with the built-in level editor, then play them solo or online with friends.
Defend your kingdom in this turn-based strategy game featuring an army of bugs in battle! As Maal, newcomer to the Royal Army, you will be in command of a band of bug warriors, armed with different weapons and skills.
It will take all your tactical skill to save your Kingdom and your Queen. You can even build custom levels and play against your friends on maps you design yourself with the Level Editor! The battle against brutish beetles is on in Band of Bugs!
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
- CPU: 800MHz
- RAM: 128MB
- DirectX: 9.0 or later
- Video: 32MB 3D Video Card compatible with OpenGL
- Resolution: Fullscreen/Windowed
Mediafire Link
mini game yang cocok untuk laptop. tapi sayangya lepi saya vga bawaan SIS. jadi ga kuat dah, maen di kompi gedhe aja.hahaha

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