The Cursed Crusade RELOADED free download
Sepertinya malam ini Blogindo bakal share game yang penuh darah dan sadis nih sob. ini adalah game bertemakan templar, third action game sob. by the way kalau liat game ini jadi ingat game assassins creed sob. saya ini fans berat assassins creed, jadi kayaknya game ini mendapat perlawanan keras dari penggemar assassins creed.hahahaha. subyektif lo...
tapi grafiknya bagus kok ndak kalah sama assassins creed. have fun lets play....
The Cursed Crusade looks like a violent, bloody third-person action game set in authentic medieval environments. The tone of the visuals is somber, which seemed appropriate for the game’s subject matter.
Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers–both seasoned warriors–will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger and despair of a new Crusade, to find the means to deliver themselves from a terrible curse that threatens to consume their immortal souls.
Cara Install :
1. Unrar.
2. Burn atau mount dengan daemon tool
3. Install the game.
4. Copy crack folder ke instalan game
5. Play
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Download Full Versioan
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Download Repack Version 1.3 GB
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Notes : Gabung pakai HJSPLIT
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Quote : "Perdamaian tidak dapat dijaga dengan kekuatan. Hal itu hanya dapat diraih dengan pengertian."

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