Nasty Neighbors: No Picnic for Celebrity - PC Mini games free download
Blogindo lanjut share game mini nih. kali ini ndak tau ini game apa'an sob. soalnya blogindo belum nyoba sendiri sih. kayaknya sih game buat cewek dari screenshotnya.hehe...kalau dari diskripsi nya sih kayak gini :
Caroline, a glamorous rich bubble-headed blonde who is a TV show anchor, likes giving parties at her home and does not care about the noise and litter her guests produce. The game protagonist, a special effects engineer and the blonde’s neighbor, cannot stand it anymore when the guests not only littered his yard but also destroyed his makeshift special effects generator. The protagonist has good reasons for his pranks and his main goal is not just making fun but teach the antagonist good manners and make her respect others’ private property. The engineer is also filming series of all his pranks and shows it on his web page. Eventually it turns into a real web-show with loyal fans who can rate each prank episode.Tapi ane kagak ngerti artinya sob.hahaha.... yang mau download silahkan ke TKP aja dah,
Spec Minimum
Windows XP (SP1/Vista)
Pentium 2400 MHz/Athlon XP 4500+
RAM 512 Mb
128 Mb Video card
DirectX 9.0C+ (the latest)
Nvidia Physx Driver
Download (163 MB)
Quote : "Kekeluargaan adalah suatu faham yang statis, tetapi gotong-royong menggambarkan satu usaha, satu amal, satu pekerjaan, yang dinamakan anggota terhormat Soekardjo satu karyo, satu gawe." --Bung Karno--

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